A request for teaching artists from a NYC photojournalist:

Dear all,

I am a portrait photographer and photojournalist keenly interested in documenting the work of prison arts rehabilitation programs. I am a New York City based photographer who has worked on assignment for publications including the Village Voice, New York Observer, Out Magazine, City & State, Capital New York, etc. I have also been fortunate enough to do ongoing pro bono work for UN Women’s global HeForShe initiative for gender equality, an issue that I am extremely passionate about.

For a while now I have been interested in working with prisoners, especially within the context of arts rehabilitation. My aim would be to create a multimedia piece documenting both the work of the organization or program in general, as well as honing in on individuals and telling their stories, focusing on their art and journey through and beyond the criminal justice system.

I was extremely moved by a piece recently published by National Geographic about art therapy for soldiers suffering from PTSD. I would like to adopt a similar holistic multimedia approach in my work, in order to create a dialogue and collaboration with programs and inmates.

If you are interested in collaborating or speaking with me please check out my website for examples of my work here and feel free to email me at celeste@celestesloman.com.

Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

My best,
